Thursday, January 22, 2015

Tough Traveling - Pets

Tough Traveling is a fun meme that aims to tour all the tropes big and small, abhorred and loved that are littered across the fantasy (and science fiction) landscape. It was conceived of and is hosted by Nathan at Fantasy Review Barn and here's how it's explained on the blog: 

Each Thursday, our copy of ‘The Tough Guide to Fantasyland’ in hand, we shall tour the mystical countryside looking for adventure and fun (and tropes) from all over fantasy.

This week's topic is pets.   I love me some pets - I practically swim in a sea of dog hair over here. In fact while I am trying to write this post, my cat and I had a disagreement about whether I could still type with her in my lap.  The answer was nope.

Anyhoo, regardless of my love for the furry things, I had a hard time with this one.  My memory is bad and I feel like I missed a ton but here goes:

First there are the cats that are more than just cats....

Alanna the Lioness - Source

1) Faithful (Song of the Lioness Series by Tamora Pierce)

I have only read the first two books in the Alanna series thus far but it is very clear that Faithful is not an ordinary cat.  Moonlight, Alanna's horse might fit in here too.

2) Mogget (The Abhorsen Series by Garth Nix)

I've already mentioned Mogget in a previous Tough Traveling post as a Snarky sidekick.  If the pet can talk does it still count as a pet?  Hmmm....

Then there are a couple of regular cats I can think of....

3) Oncat  (Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo)

This is a tabby cat that latches onto Harshaw one of the Grisha in Alina's band and who somehow sticks with them through all sorts of unpleasantness.  Not terribly cat like.  I only remember this cat because I JUST finished the book.

4) Mister (The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher)

This is Harry Dresden's cat.  That's all I have to say about him.  Somewhere down the line Dresden also ends up with a dog named Mouse.  I like their names.  And actually I'm glad Harry has them.  His life's pretty complicated - it's good for him to have a couple of unconditional friends.

And now we get to the good stuff - the dogs....

5) Oberon (The Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne)

I have a complicated relationship with this series but I love dopey Oberon.


6) The Stark Wolves (A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin)

How cool would it be to have your very own Direwolf?!  Really, Really cool. Especially if they were sort of, kind of mystically connected to you.  When the things happen that aren't good it about broke my damn heart.  Why do I root for the Starks?  Because of their damn wolves. 

Speaking of A Song of Ice and Fire how about some other beasties....

7) Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin)

So Daenarys hatched some dragons.  They're awfully useful for her to have around because they scare other people to death.  Since I have golden retrievers I don't know what this is like. 

So what are your favorite literary pets?  Head over to the Fantasy Review Barn to see links to other folks lists.