Last year was pretty lackluster in the gardening arena. I had a bit of garden ennui after several years of fighting with my yard's inadequacies and then last winter was brutal with record cold temperatures and very little moisture/snow cover. A LOT of things died including my roses, Echinacea, mint, chamomile, etc... and about half of my garlic crop. I was also trying to be particularly thrifty and so didn't replace many of the perennials I lost.
I'm feeling more jazzed about things this year, and my first plan of action is to turn my guest bedroom into seed starting central and as much of a "greenhouse" as I can considering the room is carpeted. I don't really use the upstairs rooms of my old house because of poor venting etc... which means that it is usually too hot in summer and too cold in winter. The guest bedroom, which only gets used once a year or so, has a south facing window and I have a daybed in the current Office/junk room that would probably more comfortably accommodate guests anyway.
Cleaning and Organizing all this has been on my house to do list for a few months and now it's January so time to get cracking! I'll probably start onions at least in February. So the next couple weekends will be devoted to the rooms sorted and with getting my garden planned and seed order in. Here are the before pictures:
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Current set up in Junk Room/Office |
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Future Greenhouse, Current Cat Lounge |
It was a good entrance into the new year. Quiet with plenty of time for reflection. An introvert's dream new years :0). January - April are generally crazy busy times at work and I was dreading the coming of January. Having a good chunk of time off helped me get things in perspective and I'm feeling much happier about what's to come. Which is why time off is just as important as time on. Don't be a workaholic. Well, unless that really works for you.
I plan on devoting a good chunk of today to watching the final 5 episodes of Coffee Prince, the K Drama I got addicted to last week. I have a feeling it's going to be an emotional roller coaster!
I finished the The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes an Anthology edited by John Joseph Adams as planned before the new year ticked over. I also finished the audio of a novella by Brandon Sanderson called Legion. With these two final books, I finished the year having read 92 books.
I finally finished up Wild by Cheryl Strayed this morning which has mostly been a disappointment though admittedly I had very high expectations. I've also started listening to Gulp by Mary Roach which is typically informative and hilarious and have made a good start on Mr. Kiss and Tell the second in the Veronica Mars mystery season which will be released January 20th.
It was also a busy week on the blog.
SUNDAY: Sundays through the Stargate - SG1 Season 8 AND Sundays through the Stargate - The 'Ship Addendum. This is the last season I plan on doing a post about as it's the last season with the old gang. I did a separate post to wrap up all my feelings about the 'ship so that anybody who didn't want to read my rant could skip it:0).
MONDAY: Review of Sabriel by Garth Nix. It was as fantastic as I imagined it would be.
TUESDAY: Top Ten Tuesday - Resolutions for 2015.
WEDNESDAY: Sign up for the 2015 Eclectic Reader Challenge!
THURSDAY: Sign up for the 2015 Read Harder Challenge!
FRIDAY: A look back at 2014's reading and blogging.
For the first full week of 2015, it seems like I should have some new and improved content but not so much though I am going to try and participate in a new Meme on Thursday.
SUNDAY: Sundays through the Stargate: SG1 Wrap Up. Season Ranking, Top Ten Favorite episodes of the show etc....
TUESDAY: Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Debuts of 2015. This is going to be really difficult as I don't generally keep up with this stuff....
WEDNESDAY: Review of The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes edited by John Joseph Adams.
THURSDAY: Tough Traveling - Snarky Sidekicks. This is a fun Meme hosted by Fantasy Review Barn that picks one common trope from Fantasy Literature and invites bloggers to list some of the books where they have encountered it.
That's it for this New Year's week. To wrap things up, a horoscope from master astrologist the Bloggess.
Sagittarius: Never tell a Sagittarius to calm their tits. They will become violent and stabby. “No, why don’t you calm your tits, sir? MY TITS ARE WILD AS THE WIND.” ~ Said every Sagittarius ever.
This is quite accurate. I would get pretty ragey if someone told me to "Calm my tits." I encourage you to visit if you'd like to see what wisdom the Bloggess has divined for your sign. If it doesn't provide you with wisdom, it will surely make you laugh. Have a great first week of the
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