Saturday, July 23, 2016

Saturday in the Garden | Attack of the Out-of-Control Tomato Plants


The garden has gotten to the overgrown and messy stage. It's been hot and we've gotten lots of rain in the last week and a half so it feels like everything has doubled in size.  I have hopes for good veggie harvests but it is kind of a mess.  I need to spend tomorrow morning, if it's not rainy and as muggy as this morning is, cleaning things up.

We have a couple of Barn Swallow nests around the front entrance of the building I work in and the young fledged this week.  They weren't very steady on their wings so would just kind of hang around and let you get way closer than they should have.  They were also landing on every possible surface in a panicked and clumsy sort of way.  Super fun to watch!


On the schedule today is sushi followed by kick ass female Ghostbusters.  Yay for Saturday!



I'm in a bit of a KDrama hangover after watching the stupendous Queen In Hyun's Man, so I've been distractedly re-watching the first three seasons of Arrow.  Again.

With some distance from my initial obsession with this show I am finding that I am not so convinced by Oliver and Felicity's pairing.  I think the two have amazing emotional chemistry but there is not a lot of physical chemistry.  That doesn't mean they shouldn't be together of course but I do wish they had a little more obvious attraction to each other.  I think during my initial obsession, I just loved the character of Felicity so much and was super thrilled to see a character like her get the guy that I kind of fan wanked away their lack of physical connection.  Anyway, It's just interesting how things change with time, even just a little time.  Don't get me wrong I still ship the hell out of them but am maybe a little more sympathetic to the anti-shippers:0).


Finished Last Week:

  • Tiger Eye by Marjorie M. Liu:  This is a paranormal romance with a super promising premise and which started well enough.  I ended up powering through (skimming) the last 100 pages or so.  Not my cup of tea I'm afraid.  And it was damming up my reading!  It's a library book so I felt like I needed to concentrate on it before picking up anything else. 
  • The Passage (The Passage #1) by Justin Cronin:  This literary novel about a vampiric plague has been recommended to me a thousand times in a thousand ways.  I am happy to announce that despite it causing some early eye-rolling, this book ended up being awesome!
Currently Reading:
  • One Magic Square by Lolo Houbein: A gardening book about maximizing food production in a small space.  An ARC from Netgalley (though I think it's an older title).  
  • Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith: I will try almost any take on Jane Austen's novels, even (especially?) ones involving zombies. This was the book that was really on hold while I struggled with Tiger Eye. Now making good progress with it!

Added to the TBR:

This is a list of books that I have added to my Goodreads TBR list this week.  It helps to burn the books I want to read a little more firmly into my mind, maybe get them on some other folks TBRs and gives me a chance to recognize a lot of the awesome bloggers that add stuff to my TBR!
  • The Emperor's Arrow by Lauren D.M. Smith: A new epic fantasy/romance that looks very fun! Discovered on Reading Reality.
  • The Bard's of Bone Plain by Patricia McKillip:  I've shockingly never read anything by McKillip and I think it's about time to fix that.  This one blends fantasy and archaeology and sounds cool.  Recommended on the Get Booked Podcast by Book Riot.
  • The Club Dumas by Arturo Perez-Reverte: I read a book by Perez-Reverte a few years ago which I liked but I'd kind of forgotten about him.  A Myriad of Books was kind enough to remind me of him and recommended this book in her Top Ten Tuesday post.  
