
Monday, August 18, 2014

BOUT of BOOKS 11 - Updates

Bout of Books
This is the update post to keep track of my reading for Bout of Books 11.

What is Bout of Books?
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 18th and runs through Sunday, August 24th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 11 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

If all goes well, I will add my daily updates to this one post.  

Time Spent Reading:  4.5 hours

Books Read: (links to Goodreads)
Throne of Glass by Sara J. Maas (audio)
11/22/63 by Stephen King (audio)
City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett (20% read)
Wild Comfort: The Solace of Nature by Kathleen Dean Moore (Page 155, 79% read)

Books Finished: 0

Comments: Feeling happy about lots of reading time and in all 4 of my current reads despite it being a pretty crazy day.  I may need to my goals adjust midway because I think I may surpass them.  If I didn't just jinx myself with the cockiness:).

Favorite quote of the day came somewhat obviously from Wild Comfort.  I feel like I highlight something on every other page of this beautiful book of essays:
The sound of wind bringing rain, the rattle of surf-driven stones—didn’t these tell him what he needed to know? That he is alive in this place, at this time, alive in the midst of all this life. That he is aware in the midst of all that is mysterious, every fact that might not have been and yet is. Stinging sand, the storm-driven waves, the swirling gulls—they are all cause for surprise and celebration.

Time Spent Reading: 4.25 hours

Books Read: (links to Goodreads)
Throne of Glass by Sara J. Maas (audio) - DONE
11/22/63 by Stephen King (audio)
City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett (30% read)
Wild Comfort: The Solace of Nature by Kathleen Dean Moore (Page 169, 85% read)

Books Finished: 1

Comments:  Finished Throne of Glass! I have mixed feelings about it which I will sit with for a bit before trying to get my thoughts down on paper. It is definitely worth reading.

Will be on the road starting early tomorrow morning through Friday so may throw my reading schedule off a bit.

Favorite Quote of the Day:  I could put another from Wild Comfort but instead will highlight some words about one of my favorite characters in City of Stairs, Sigrud:

"Well we are in some danger," she admits. "But we just... We just need to wait." The two attackers she notes are growing increasingly uncertain, so when Vohannes says "For what?" they look a little relieved he asked.  "For Sigrud." "What? What are you talking about?" "We just have to wait," Shara says, "for him to do what he does best." .... "Who is... Sigrud?" asks Vohannes.  There is a horrific scream from nearby and a burst of breaking glass.  "That is Sigrud." says Shara.

Time Spent Reading: 4 Hours

Books Read: (links to Goodreads)
11/22/63 by Stephen King (audio) - DONE
City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett (39% read)
Wild Comfort: The Solace of Nature by Kathleen Dean Moore  - DONE
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote (audio)

Books Finished: 2!  That's a total of three so far for the read-a-thon.  I was in the middle of all of them going in so it may be cheating but it's good to get them read.

Despite the traveling I got a decent amount of reading done mostly because everything kind of went horribly wrong and I ended up with some unexpected time on my hands.  Nice to turn a crappy work day into a good read-a-thon day!

Finishing both of these books was significant for me.  I have struggled to finish two other  Stephen King books with no success so I was super excited to finish this one.  It's long but good.  I have been wanting to read Wild Comfort, my first Kathleen Dean Moore book, for years now and I am so glad I finally did.  It is such a beautiful book.  My review I think will consist mostly of quotes. If you enjoy nature writing and haven't read her, I recommend you do so asap.  Now to Bed!

Time Spent Reading: 2 hours

Books Read: (links to Goodreads)

City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett (42% read)
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote (audio)
The Case of the Missing Marquess by Nancy Springer (audio)

Books Finished: 0

This was a harder day for reading and didn't really get much accomplished.  I am really enjoying City of Stairs and do hope to be able to finish before the end of the read-a-thon.  Just got started on the two audio books so not sure what I think of them yet. 

Time Spent Reading: 2.5 hours

Books Read:
City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett (48% read)
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote (audio)
The Case of the Missing Marquess by Nancy Springer (audio)

Books Finished: 0

NOTES: Very frustrating reading day but managed to make some progress.  In Cold Blood has the oddest tone to it and I can't decide if it's Capote's writing or the narrator's reading.  Probably a little bit of both.  It's almost farcical and teasing which is odd considering the subject matter (true story of the random seeming murder of an entire family). City of Stairs continues to be great!

Time Spent Reading: 3.5 hours

Books Read: (Links to Goodreads)
City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett (63% read)
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote (audio)
The Case of the Missing Marquess by Nancy Springer (audio, on part 6 of 8)

Books Finished: 0

NOTES:  It's getting down to the wire so I don't know if I will be able to finish any more books before the end of the read-a-thon tonight but I should finish a couple very soon thereafter!  The Vae of the Missing Marquess is a middle-grade/YA mystery series focused on Sherlock Holmes' fictitious 14 year old sister.  It's very fun!

Time Spent Reading: 7 hours

Books Read:
City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett  - DONE
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote (audio)
The Case of the Missing Marquess by Nancy Springer  - DONE

Books Finished: 2!

NOTES:  Found sometime for some marathon reading and finished two more books both of which were pretty great!  The really exciting thing is that both of these were books I started during the read-a-thon!


# Books Read: 6
Total  # Books Finished:  5

This was a much more successful Bout of Books than the last and I am pleased with the amount of reading I was able to do!  I'm still 2 books behind my Goodreads goal which is a bummer but I'm closer than I was.  All is all it was success!  Thanks to the organizers!

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